Welcome to Mannheim

The Rhein-Neckar-Region, encompassing Mannheim, Heidelberg, and Ludwigshafen, is a hub of innovation and knowledge. With renowned universities, cutting-edge research institutions, and a strong industrial sector, the region offers a fertile ground for collaboration and the exchange of ideas. Mannheim, known as the “City of Squares” for its unique urban layout with streets and buildings arranged around squares, is the vibrant centerpiece of this dynamic region. The bicycle, the car, and the tractor were invented here, making Mannheim the cradle of modern mobility and embedding innovation deeply in the city’s DNA. The “Wasserturm” on the Frederick Square (Friedrichsplatz), the Jesuit Church, and the Baroque Palace of Mannheim are the city’s most famous landmarks. At the confluence of the Neckar and Rhine rivers, there is not only an extraordinary mix of history and innovation, but also a thriving scientific community and a breeding ground for start-ups and established companies alike – especially in the fields of healthcare and medical technology.