Computer-assisted laparoscopy: 3d surface reconstruction and beyond (Montag, 15.05 Uhr, Schinkelsaal) |
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Replacement of traditional open surgery procedures with minimally-invasive interventions for tumor diagnosis, staging and therapy represents one of the most important challenges in modern healthcare. Endoscopic procedures provide numerous advantages in contrast to open surgery, including reduced surgical trauma, less pain medication, earlier convalescence, better cosmetic results, shorter hospitalization terms and lower costs. Furthermore, endoscopic procedures are often the only promising treatment option for patients that are not eligible for surgery, due to old age or poor overall medical condition for example. Currently, however, a low level of sensitivity and specificity in tumor detection and lack of global orientation lead to both over- and undertreatment, tumor recurrence, intra-operative complications, and high costs. This talk will introduce new approaches to address current limitations in endoscopy via image processing.
Dr. Lena Maier-Hein
DKFZ Heidelberg, Junior Group Computer-Assisted Interventions